May 2023 • ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
Sujit Kumar, Vinayaka H Damle, Tatyana Bendikov, Anat Itzhak, Michael Elbaum, Katya Rechav, Lothar Houben, Yaakov Tischler, David Cahen
Two-dimensional (2D) halide perovskites, HaPs, can provide chemical stability to three-dimensional (3D) HaP surfaces, protecting them from exposure to ambient species and from reacting with contacting layers. Both actions occur with 2D HaPs, with the general stoichiometry R2PbI4 (R: long or bulky organic amine) covering the 3D ones. Adding such covering films can also boost power conversion efficiencies of photovoltaic cells by passivating surface/interface trap states. For maximum benefit, we need conformal ultrathin and phase-pure (n = 1) 2D layers to enable efficient tunneling of photogenerated charge carriers through the 2D film barrier. Conformal coverage of ultrathin (<10 nm) R2PbI4 layers on 3D perovskites is challenging with spin coating; even more so is its upscaling for larger-area devices. We report on vapor-phase cation exchange of the 3D surface with the R2PbI4 molecules and real-time in situ …
Show moreMay 2023 • Scientific Reports
Bhupesh Kumar, Ran Homri, Patrick Sebbah
A two-dimensional (2D) solid-state random laser emitting in the visible is demonstrated, in which optical feedback is provided by a controlled disordered arrangement of air-holes in a dye-doped polymer film. We find an optimal scatterer density for which threshold is minimum and scattering is the strongest. We show that the laser emission can be red-shifted by either decreasing scatterer density or increasing pump area. We show that spatial coherence is easily controlled by varying pump area. Such a 2D random laser provides with a compact on-chip tunable laser source and a unique platform to explore non-Hermitian photonics in the visible.
Show moreMay 2023 • IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity
Y Nikulshin, A Kafri, Y Yeshurun, S Wolfus
This work describes a novel concept for unifying Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage (SMES) and an inductive-type Fault Current Limiter (FCL). A single superconducting coil is used both as an energy source for the operation of the SMES and as the field source for saturating the magnetic cores in the FCL. A possible geometry model for the implementation of this concept is suggested and a test case in an 11 kV, 10 MVA network is described for a fully, and 50% charged SMES states. Results show that the Saturated Cores FCL exhibits low insertion impedance and high limiting ratio in both scenarios. The unified SMES-FCL device saves major resources by making the superconducting coil a dual-purpose source, thus opening the door for an easier and efficient implementation of SMES and FCL technologies.
Show moreMay 2023 • arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.04877
Tomer Bucher, Harel Nahari, Hanan Herzig Sheinfux, Ron Ruimy, Arthur Niedermayr, Raphael Dahan, Qinghui Yan, Yuval Adiv, Michael Yannai, Jialin Chen, Yaniv Kurman, Sang Tae Park, Daniel J Masiel, Eli Janzen, James H Edgar, Fabrizio Carbone, Guy Bartal, Shai Tsesses, Frank HL Koppens, Giovanni Maria Vanacore, Ido Kaminer
Accessing the low-energy non-equilibrium dynamics of materials with simultaneous spatial and temporal resolutions has been a bold frontier of electron microscopy in recent years. One of the main challenges is the ability to retrieve extremely weak signals while simultaneously disentangling amplitude and phase information. Here, we present an algorithm-based microscopy approach that uses light-induced electron modulation to demonstrate the coherent amplification effect in electron imaging of optical near-fields. We provide a simultaneous time-, space-, and phase-resolved measurement in a micro-drum made from a hexagonal boron nitride membrane, visualizing the sub-cycle spatio-temporal dynamics of 2D polariton wavepackets therein. The phase-resolved measurement reveals vortex-anti-vortex singularities on the polariton wavefronts, together with an intriguing phenomenon of a traveling wave mimicking the amplitude profile of a standing wave. Our experiments show a 20-fold coherent amplification of the near-field signal compared to conventional electron near-field imaging, resolving peak field intensities of ~W/cm2 (field amplitude of few kV/m). As a result, our work opens a path toward spatio-temporal electron microscopy of biological specimens and quantum materials - exciting yet sensitive samples, which are currently difficult to investigate.
Show moreMay 2023 • Physical Review B
Eylon Persky, Hyeok Yoon, Yanwu Xie, Harold Y Hwang, Jonathan Ruhman, Beena Kalisky
The properties of two-dimensional (2D) electronic systems are often effectively controlled using electrostatic gating. The geometry of such field effect devices influences the effectiveness of the gate and the carrier density profile in the 2D device. Here, we analyze the gate-induced spatial variations in the lateral carrier density in patterned LaAlO 3/SrTiO 3 devices. We model the electrostatics of the 2D interface using the Thomas-Fermi approximation and compute the gate-induced charge distribution at the interface. We show that the electric field lines generated by the gate are focused at the edges of the device, causing an increased depletion near its edges. This effect is accentuated in LaAlO 3/SrTiO 3 due to the large, nonlinear dielectric constant of the substrate, and the large distance between the gate electrode and the interface. We experimentally demonstrate one consequence of this effect by directly imaging …
Show moreMay 2023 • Journal of Applied Physics
Hariharan Nhalil, Moty Schultz, Shai Amrusi, Asaf Grosz, Lior Klein
We introduce a planar Hall effect magnetometer in the form of a parallel array of permalloy-based elliptical sensors. The number of ellipses in the array and other fabrication parameters are optimized with the support of numerical simulations. We obtain equivalent magnetic noise (EMN) of 16 pT/ffiffiffiffiffiffi Hz p at 100 Hz, 25 pT/ffiffiffiffiffiffi Hz p at 10 Hz, 98 pT/ffiffiffiffiffiffi Hz p at 1 Hz, and 470 pT/ffiffiffiffiffiffi Hz p at 0.1 Hz. The exceptional EMN without the use of magnetic flux concentrators highlights the advantages of the design. The presented magnetometer, characterized by its simplicity, affordability, and ability to operate at room temperature, is anticipated to be useful for applications requiring pT resolution.
Show moreMay 2023 • Nature Physics
Ivan Bonamassa, Bnaya Gross, Maayan Laav, Irina Volotsenko, Aviad Frydman, Shlomo Havlin
Interdependent networks display many interesting properties, but have not been studied in laboratory experiments because of the lack of a platform that manifests appropriate couplings. Now, a network of disordered superconductors accomplishes this.
Show moreMay 2023 • Journal of Biomedical Optics
Gilad Yahav, Shweta Pawar, Yitzchak Weber, Bar Atuar, Hamootal Duadi, Dror Fixler
SignificanceWide-field measurements of time-resolved fluorescence anisotropy (TR-FA) provide pixel-by-pixel information about the rotational mobility of fluorophores, reflecting changes in the local microviscosity and other factors influencing the fluorophore’s diffusional motion. These features offer promising potential in many research fields, including cellular imaging and biochemical sensing, as demonstrated by previous works. Nevertheless, θ imaging is still rarely investigated in general and in carbon dots (CDs) in particular.AimTo extend existing frequency domain (FD) fluorescence lifetime (FLT) imaging microscopy (FLIM) to FD TR-FA imaging (TR-FAIM), which produces visual maps of the FLT and θ, together with the steady-state images of fluorescence intensity (FI) and FA (r).ApproachThe proof of concept of the combined FD FLIM/ FD TR-FAIM was validated on seven fluorescein solutions with increasing …
Show moreMay 2023 • Journal of Functional Biomaterials
Elisheva Sasson, Omer Agazani, Eyal Malka, Meital Reches, Shlomo Margel
In March 2020, the World Health Organization announced a pandemic attributed to SARS-CoV-2, a novel beta-coronavirus, which spread widely from China. As a result, the need for antiviral surfaces has increased significantly. Here, the preparation and characterization of new antiviral coatings on polycarbonate (PC) for controlled release of activated chlorine (Cl+) and thymol separately and combined are described. Thin coatings were prepared by polymerization of 1-[3-(trimethoxysilyl)propyl] urea (TMSPU) in ethanol/water basic solution by modified Stöber polymerization, followed by spreading the formed dispersion onto surface-oxidized PC film using a Mayer rod with appropriate thickness. Activated Cl-releasing coating was prepared by chlorination of the PC/SiO2-urea film with NaOCl through the urea amide groups to form a Cl-amine derivatized coating. Thymol releasing coating was prepared by linking thymol to TMSPU or its polymer via hydrogen bonds between thymol hydroxyl and urea amide groups. The activity towards T4 bacteriophage and canine coronavirus (CCV) was measured. PC/SiO2-urea-thymol enhanced bacteriophage persistence, while PC/SiO2-urea-Cl reduced its amount by 84%. Temperature-dependent release is presented. Surprisingly, the combination of thymol and chlorine had an improved antiviral activity, reducing the amount of both viruses by four orders of magnitude, indicating synergistic activity. For CCV, coating with only thymol was inactive, while SiO2-urea-Cl reduced it below a detectable level.
Show moreMay 2023 • Physical Review A
Yishai Klein, Alok K Tripathi, Edward Strizhevsky, Flavio Capotondi, Dario De Angelis, Luca Giannessi, Matteo Pancaldi, Emanuele Pedersoli, Kevin C Prince, Or Sefi, Young Yong Kim, Ivan A Vartanyants, Sharon Shwartz
We demonstrate a simple and robust high-resolution ghost spectroscopy approach for x-ray and extreme ultraviolet transient absorption spectroscopy at free-electron laser sources. To retrieve the sample response, our approach requires only an online spectrometer before the sample and a downstream bucket detector. We validate the method by measuring the absorption spectrum of silicon, silicon carbide, and silicon nitride membranes in the vicinity of the silicon L 2, 3 edge and by comparing the results with standard techniques for absorption measurements. Moreover, we show that ghost spectroscopy allows the high-resolution reconstruction of the sample spectral response to optical pumps using a coarse energy scan with self-amplified spontaneous emission radiation.
Show moreMay 2023 • NATURE PHYSICS, 2023
Ivan Bonamassa, Aviad Frydman
May 2023 • arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.13994
Mitradeep Sarkar, Michael T Enders, Mehrdad Shokooh-Saremi, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Hanan Herzig Sheinfux, Frank HL Koppens, Georgia Theano Papadakis
High-quality low-dimensional layered and van der Waals materials are typically exfoliated, with sample cross sectional areas on the order of tens to hundreds of microns. The small size of flakes makes the experimental characterization of their dielectric properties unsuitable with conventional spectroscopic ellipsometry, due to beam-sample size mismatch and non-uniformities of the crystal axes. Previously, the experimental measurement of the dielectrirc permittivity of such microcrystals was carried out with near-field tip-based scanning probes. These measurements are sensitive to external conditions like vibrations and temperature, and require non-deterministic numerical fitting to some a priori known model. We present an alternative method to extract the in-plane dielectric permittivity of van der Waals microcrystals, based on identifying reflectance minima in spectroscopic measurements. Our method does not require complex fitting algorithms nor near field tip-based measurements and accommodates for small-area samples. We demonstrate the robustness of our method using hexagonal boron nitride and {\alpha}-MoO3, and recover their dielectric permittivities that are close to literature values.
Show moreMay 2023 • Bioengineering & Translational Medicine
Jingyan Yi, Xin Luo, Jinshan Xing, Aharon Gedanken, Xiukun Lin, Chunxiang Zhang, Gan Qiao
Micelle Encapsulation Zinc‐doped copper oxide nanocomposites (MEnZn‐CuO NPs) is a novel doped metal nanomaterial prepared by our group based on Zinc doped copper oxide nanocomposites (Zn‐CuO NPs) using non‐micellar beam. Compared with Zn‐CuO NPs, MEnZn‐CuO NPs have uniform nanoproperties and high stability. In this study, we explored the anticancer effects of MEnZn‐CuO NPs on human ovarian cancer cells. In addition to affecting cell proliferation, migration, apoptosis and autophagy, MEnZn‐CuO NPs have a greater potential for clinical application by inducing HR repair defects in ovarian cancer cells in combination with poly (ADP‐ribose) polymerase inhibitors for lethal effects.
Show moreMay 2023 • ACS applied materials & interfaces
Sujit Kumar, Vinayaka H Damle, Tatyana Bendikov, Anat Itzhak, Michael Elbaum, Katya Rechav, Lothar Houben, Yaakov Tischler, David Cahen
Two-dimensional (2D) halide perovskites, HaPs, can provide chemical stability to three-dimensional (3D) HaP surfaces, protecting them from exposure to ambient species and from reacting with contacting layers. Both actions occur with 2D HaPs, with the general stoichiometry R2PbI4 (R: long or bulky organic amine) covering the 3D ones. Adding such covering films can also boost power conversion efficiencies of photovoltaic cells by passivating surface/interface trap states. For maximum benefit, we need conformal ultrathin and phase-pure (n = 1) 2D layers to enable efficient tunneling of photogenerated charge carriers through the 2D film barrier. Conformal coverage of ultrathin (<10 nm) R2PbI4 layers on 3D perovskites is challenging with spin coating; even more so is its upscaling for larger-area devices. We report on vapor-phase cation exchange of the 3D surface with the R2PbI4 molecules and real-time in situ …
Show moreMay 2023 • ACS Applied Nano Materials
Abderrahim Moumen, Rajashree Konar, Dario Zappa, Eti Teblum, Gilbert Daniel Nessim, Elisabetta Comini
Two-dimensional (2D) semiconducting heterojunction chemical sensors are in high demand because of their enhanced response, stability, and selectivity. However, fine-tuning heterojunctions using vapor deposition growth still needs further research. Our present study focuses on the ambient pressure chemical vapor deposition (CVD) synthesis of hexagonal tungsten sulfide-tungsten selenide (WS2–WSe2) p–p heterojunctions (as a 2D–2D arrangement). We use the liquid-phase exfoliation method to disperse bulk WS2 and WSe2 and decorate large flakes of WS2 with smaller WSe2 nanosheets in CVD. Electron microscopy and related surface investigations reveal their homogeneity on drop-casting. Two drops from the exfoliated heterojunction dispersion were drop-cast on a transducer to study the NO2 response and related sensing properties. The sensor showed long-term stability (>2 months), even at high …
Show moreMay 2023 • PNAS Nexus
Ryo Okamoto, Eliahu Cohen
In quantum mechanics, a quantum system is irreversibly collapsed by a projective measurement. Hence, delicately probing the time evolution of a quantum system holds the key to understanding curious phenomena. Here we experimentally explore an anomalous time evolution, where, illustratively, a particle disappears from a box and emerges in a different box, with a certain moment in which it can be found in neither of them. In this experiment, we directly probe this curious time evolution of a single photon by measuring up to triple-operator sequential weak values using a novel probeless scheme. The naive interpretation provided by single-operator weak values seems to imply the “disappearance” and “re-appearance” of a photon as theoretically predicted. However, double- and triple-operator sequential weak values, representing temporal correlations between the aforementioned values, show that spatial …
Show moreMay 2023 • CLEO: Applications and Technology, AM4Q. 7, 2023
A Ben Yehuda, O Sefi, E Cohen, S Shwartz
We demonstrate ghost imaging with scattered x-ray radiation for the first time and show that its spatial resolution is significantly higher than the resolution of standard present-day methods that rely on x-ray scattering.
Show moreMay 2023 • ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
Sujit Kumar, Vinayaka H Damle, Tatyana Bendikov, Anat Itzhak, Michael Elbaum, Katya Rechav, Lothar Houben, Yaakov Tischler, David Cahen
Two-dimensional (2D) halide perovskites, HaPs, can provide chemical stability to three-dimensional (3D) HaP surfaces, protecting them from exposure to ambient species and from reacting with contacting layers. Both actions occur with 2D HaPs, with the general stoichiometry R2PbI4 (R: long or bulky organic amine) covering the 3D ones. Adding such covering films can also boost power conversion efficiencies of photovoltaic cells by passivating surface/interface trap states. For maximum benefit, we need conformal ultrathin and phase-pure (n = 1) 2D layers to enable efficient tunneling of photogenerated charge carriers through the 2D film barrier. Conformal coverage of ultrathin (<10 nm) R2PbI4 layers on 3D perovskites is challenging with spin coating; even more so is its upscaling for larger-area devices. We report on vapor-phase cation exchange of the 3D surface with the R2PbI4 molecules and real-time in situ …
Show moreMay 2023 • ACS ES&T Engineering
Belal Abu Salha, Arumugam Saravanan, Moorthy Maruthapandi, Ilana Perelshtein, Aharon Gedanken
Plant-derived carbon dots have superior light absorption and intrinsic fluorescence properties. In this work, we have prepared nitrogen-doped carbon dots (N-CDs) from Piper betle leaves using a simple hydrothermal method. The synthesized N-CDs were characterized by various techniques such as high-resolution transmission electron microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared, and photoluminescence. The N-CDs further proved to have systemic effects on the growth of strawberries compared with irrigating the strawberry plants with water and regular nutrients. The strawberry plants treated with N-CDs exhibited an increase in chlorophyll content of about 24.7%, which was reflected in increased carbohydrate content of approximately 48.61% compared to control plants. Also, N-CD-treated strawberry plants showed increased secondary metabolites (phenolics) compared to control …
Show moreMay 2023 • Nano Letters
Shi-Tian Xiao, Rui Yin, Lu Wu, Si-Ming Wu, Ge Tian, Menny Shalom, Li-Ying Wang, Yi-Tian Wang, Fu-Fei Pu, Hannah-Noa Barad, Fazhou Wang, Xiao-Yu Yang
Photocatalysts for seawater splitting are severely restricted because of the presence of multiple types of ions in seawater that cause corrosion and deactivation. As a result, new materials that promote adsorption of H+ and hinder competing adsorption of metal cations should enhance utilization of photogenerated electrons on the catalyst surface for efficient H2 production. One strategy to design advanced photocatalysts involves introduction of hierarchical porous structures that enable fast mass transfer and creation of defect sites that promote selective hydrogen ion adsorption. Herein, we used a facile calcination method to fabricate the macro–mesoporous C3N4 derivative, VN-HCN, that contains multiple nitrogen vacancies. We demonstrated that VN-HCN has enhanced corrosion resistance and elevated photocatalytic H2 production performance in seawater. Experimental results and theoretical calculations …
Show moreMay 2023 • Advanced Energy Materials
Yajie Liu, Zhixin Tai, Ido Rozen, Zhipeng Yu, Ziyu Lu, Alec P LaGrow, Oleksandr Bondarchuk, Qingqing Chen, Gil Goobes, Yi Li, Lifeng Liu
Practical implementation of alkali metal batteries currently still faces formidable challenges because of the dendrite growth upon continuous charge/discharge processes and the associated unstable solid–electrolyte interphase. Herein, it is reported that dendrites can be fundamentally mitigated in lithium and sodium metal batteries by regulating the Li+ and Na+ flux using a glass fiber (GF) separator impregnated with polytetrafluoroethylene nanospheres (PTFE‐NSs), which results in homogeneous deposition of Li and Na during charging. The COMSOL Multiphysics simulations reveal that the introduction of negatively charged PTFE‐NSs into the GF separator enhances the local electric field near the anode, thereby boosting the transfer of cations. It is demonstrated that Li//Li and Na//Na symmetric cells utilising a PTFE‐GF separator show outstanding cycle stability of 1245 and 2750 h, respectively, at 0.5 mA cm−2 …
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